Revitalizing Clare’s Dental Practice

How We Helped Boost Her Patient Base, Strengthen Her Branding, and Optimize Her Google My Business


Clare, a dedicated and experienced dentist, has been running her dental practice successfully for many years. However, recently she noticed a decline in her patient base and a lack of new leads. Concerned about the stagnant growth, Clare sought assistance to revitalize her practice’s marketing efforts. Dental Upscale, a leading dental marketing company, stepped in to help Clare overcome these challenges. This case study highlights how Dental Upscale collaborated with Clare to increase her patient base, strengthen her practice’s branding, and optimize her Google My Business (GBM) profile.

Assessing the Current Situation:

Understanding Clare’s concerns, Dental Upscale conducted an in-depth analysis of her practice’s current marketing strategies and online presence. They examined her website, which had not been updated for a long time, and identified areas that needed improvement. Additionally, Dental Upscale assessed Clare’s GBM profile to understand its current state and identify opportunities for optimization.

Branding and Visual Identity:

To strengthen Clare’s practice branding, Dental Upscale worked closely with her to refine her visual identity. Understanding her practice’s values and unique selling points, they designed a cohesive branding package that included a new logo, color scheme, and brand guidelines. This refreshed visual identity aligned with Clare’s practice’s mission and conveyed professionalism and trustworthiness. By implementing consistent branding across various touchpoints, including the website, social media, and offline materials, Dental Upscale enhanced Clare’s practice’s recognition and memorability.

Revamping the Website:

Recognizing the importance of an engaging and user-friendly website, Dental Upscale focused on revamping Clare’s outdated site. Their team worked closely with Clare to understand her vision, goals, and target audience. Leveraging their expertise in web design and development, Dental Upscale created a modern and responsive website that effectively showcased Clare’s expertise, services, and patient-centric approach. The revamped website provided a seamless user experience, inspiring visitors to take action and schedule appointments.

Content Strategy and SEO:

To attract new patients and improve search engine visibility, Dental Upscale developed a robust content strategy. They conducted extensive keyword research and optimized the website’s content to align with Clare’s target audience’s search intent. By creating informative and educational content, including blog articles and FAQs, Dental Upscale positioned Clare as an authority in her field and enhanced her practice’s online visibility. Their search engine optimization (SEO) efforts helped Clare’s practice rank higher in relevant search results, leading to increased organic traffic and new patient leads.

Google My Business Optimization:

To leverage the power of local search and enhance Clare’s online visibility, Dental Upscale optimized her Google My Business profile. They ensured that all relevant information, such as the practice’s name, address, phone number, and business hours, were accurate and up-to-date. They also optimized the practice’s description, added high-quality images, and encouraged patients to leave reviews. By optimizing Clare’s GBM profile, Dental Upscale improved her practice’s local search rankings, increased visibility on Google Maps, and made it easier for potential patients to find and contact her practice.

Implementation of Recommendation Wizard:

Understanding the importance of patient recommendations and referrals, Dental Upscale implemented a recommendation wizard for Clare’s practice. The recommendation wizard provided a simple and automated way for Clare’s existing patients to recommend her practice to their friends and family. By streamlining the process and making it convenient for patients, Dental Upscale boosted the practice’s referral rate and expanded its overall visibility. The recommendation wizard also allowed Clare to gather positive testimonials and reviews, further enhancing her practice’s online reputation.

Social Media and Online Presence:

Recognizing the power of social media in connecting with patients, Dental Upscale developed a comprehensive social media strategy for Clare’s practice. They identified the most relevant platforms for her target audience and created engaging content to showcase her expertise, share oral health tips, highlight patient success stories, and promote the recommendation wizard. Their strategic social media campaigns, combined with targeted advertising, effectively expanded Clare’s practice’s online reach, attracting new followers and generating leads.


Through their comprehensive marketing efforts, including revamping the website, implementing a content strategy, strengthening branding, optimizing Google My Business, and introducing a recommendation wizard, Dental Upscale successfully helped Clare revitalize her dental practice. By attracting new patients, enhancing online visibility, optimizing local search rankings through GBM, and providing a streamlined referral process, Clare’s practice experienced a significant increase in patient base and regained its competitive edge. Dental Upscale’s collaborative approach and tailored marketing solutions empowered Clare to regain her practice’s growth trajectory and solidify her position as a trusted dental provider in the community.

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Revitalizing Clare’s Dental Practice

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